Vincere Data Migration Customer's Responsibility
Last update 19 April 2022
These Data Migration terms of service together with our Terms of Service, Email Acceptable Use Policy, API Terms of Use set out the terms and conditions under which you’re allowed to use our Platform and Services. If you don’t agree to these Data Migration Terms, our Terms, Email Acceptable Use Policy, API Terms of Use, Privacy Policy and DPA, you must immediately discontinue your use of the Platform and Services.
These terms and conditions for data migration services set out the obligations of the Customer throughout the process of the data migration project. These terms are incorporated into and form part of the Agreement with the Customer for the provision of all data migration services included in any proposal or order form, upon signature of an order form or proposal by the Customer.
These terms apply to data migration services only.
Please read these terms carefully to ensure successful delivery of the data migration project and to avoid additional costs being incurred where Vincere needs to perform additional services to fix specific issues/requests.
If you do not understand your obligations set out below, please send your queries to: [email protected].
1. Responsibilities in general:
a. To provide Vincere with the correct version of the SQL / CSV Database backup.
b. To transfer the correct database backup file (version of backup) to Vincere via a cloud storage service or SFTP. You acknowledge that Vincere is not responsible for making a database backup at the System of record, this is your sole responsibility.
c. Take adequate time to complete Fields Mapping requirements, clarify them, and iteratively check the detail and describe what is absolutely necessary to be migrated.
d. Be specific and precise about the Fields Mapping requirements.
e. Make timely decisions about requirements when requested to do so.
f. Respect the project manager and developers’ assessments of cost and feasibility.
g. Review the data when it is ready and take adequate time to thoroughly check the data and report it in a timely fashion. You are solely responsible for identifying all data migration issues as you know your own business and your data.
h. Promptly communicate changes to the Fields Mapping requirements.
i. Understand the limitations of the migration process and work together with Vincere to define an acceptable work around / solution, when required.
j. Respect the requirements engineering processes the developers use.
k. Understand that compromises will need to be made because the system you are moving to, is not the same system as the system you had before.
l. Be open to changing your own processes when necessary to follow Vincere’s processes to ensure that you can take full advantage of all features.
m. Understand that some Fields Mapping may require custom script work to be carried out where the scope of work is to be defined by you and that there will be a cost associated charged by Vincere on a time and material basis.
2. PRE-DATA MIGRATION responsibilities:
a. To obtain or extract the SQL Backup / CSV data from your systems (or from your vendor’s systems). Vincere will not provide any services to extract or perform any database backup of your data from your system of origin.
b. To ensure that the SQL backup provided by your system of origin vendor is current (correct version).
c. Fix any pre-migration issues at the system at origin, which include but are not limited to:
i. De-duplication: identifying and removing duplicated records.
ii. Data cleansing: removing old, unused, inactive and archived records.
iii. Data transformation: correcting date fields, rate values, salary values, fixing currency formatting, fixing location addresses, changing .eml files to .msg files, changing .rtf files to .doc files etc. to ensure that your data is in Vincere’s permitted field formats.
iv. File Conversion: converting email files from .eml to .msg, converting files from .odt to .doc, etc.
d. Keep your own copy of the database backup from your system of origin. Vincere does not keep a copy of the database backup that it receives from you. 30 days after the completion of the data migration to the production live site, Vincere will delete your system of origin’s database backup.
e. Provide the SQL Backup / CSV Files / Document ZIP files from your system of origin within a maximum of 1 week following signature of the proposal by both parties (unless otherwise specified in the proposal or separately agreed in writing.)
f. Send your SQL Backup / CSV Files / Document ZIP files at least 14 days before your access to your system of origin expires.
g. Ensure that the data that you send to us to be migrated does not exceed the storage limits specified in Vincere’s Terms of Service under the Data Size Policy.
h. Provide access to the transfer medium, be this SFTP, Dropbox, Google Drive or any other file sharing service.
i. Understand that any data stored outside of the system origin’s SQL / CSV backup will not be included in the data migration scope.
3. REQUIREMENTS GATHERING responsibilities:
a. Define the REQUIRED Fields Mapping Requirements. Any changes to the requirements after the Fields Mapping requirements has been signed off will incur further costs and will extend the timeline for delivery and completion of the data migration project.
b. Define the Vincere Fields to be mapped to in the Fields Mapping Requirements document. Any changes to the requirements after the Field Mapping is signed off will incur further costs.
c. Understand that the Data Migration Process only covers migration into 5 CUSTOM SCRIPTS. Any further migration into Custom Fields can only be accommodated if charged for in addition.
d. Understand that the definition of CUSTOM SCRIPT work includes any fields that are not defined in VINCERE CORE FIELDS or any custom fields mapping where custom logic / rules are to be applied.
e. Understand that any Custom Fields that are created and/or migrated will not automatically be made available on any reports, dashboards, advanced search results’ table view, nor company/contact/job/candidate/placement/file table view. Any reports required to be created which would need to include custom fields would need to be discussed separately with the Professional Service team. Additional fees are payable for such reports and will be calculated on a time and material basis. Such reports are outside the scope of the Data Migration and any Vincere Product delivery.
f. Understand that the VINCERE CORE FIELDS are listed here.
g. Understand that the Data Migration Scope does not cover the migration of system logs. System logs from the system of origin will not be migrated.
h. Understand that the Data Migration Scope does not cover Email Contents migration unless the email contents are:
i. Stored in .MSG, .DOC or .PDF files and the filename + file extension references are presented in the database on the respected records.
ii. Stored in the database (CSV or SQL) as a readable format that can be comprehend by human language. If the email contents are not listed in one of the above options, they will not be migrated.
i. Understand that when email contents are migratable, Vincere won’t be extracting the attachments of the email and won’t be migrating these attachments separately. If the attachments are stored in the email in .MSG format, they will be included. If not, they will not be included.
a. Records stored inside CSV files have unique identifiers for each record. Failure to provide CSV files where records have unique identifiers will result in these records being migrated without any inherent relationships.
b. CSV files have UTF-8 format encoding where text is readable, not compressed, not encoded and not encrypted.
c. Your data is not sent to us in more than the maximum number of CSV files: which is 20 files. If you have more than 20 files, you must clean and merge your data first before sending it to us. Failure to comply with these obligations will result in a longer project delivery timeline and additional costs.
d. CSV files must have valid comma delimited values. If the files cannot be imported to Excel with comma delimited values, you will have to fix the original file so that it can be imported to Excel with comma delimited values before you send it to us. Vincere is not responsible for cleaning the broken CSV files where the comma delimited values are not consistent and not readable. Vincere cannot fix the broken CSV. You are solely responsible for ensuring the CSV is formatted properly.
e. CSV files must be able to be opened in Microsoft Excel. If the CSV files can’t be opened in Excel (due to the large file size or for any other reason), you must split them into separate files so that each CSV file can be opened and processed in Excel. Vincere is not responsible for splitting the CSV files. You are solely responsible for splitting the CSV files according to the limitations of Microsoft Excel.
f. Each CSV file may not exceed a maximum of 80 columns. If the CSV file contains more than 80 columns, you will need to remove the unnecessary columns before you send it to us. Failure to comply with this obligation will result in a longer delivery timeline and additional costs.
g. When you are sending the CSV files for the migration of your data into your production site, you will need to make sure that the CSV format and column standards are identical to those in the CSV files you sent earlier (for the migration of your data into the review site). If the CSV files contain different columns or formatting to the earlier ones, Vincere will not be able to migrate them.
a. Make sure that the SQL Backup file can be restored by any of the following database technologies: MySQL, PostGreSQL, or Microsoft SQL Server. If your SQL Backup file cannot be restored according to the best practice methods of restoration in the aforementioned databases, you will need to ask your system of origin to provide a restorable SQL Backup file.
b. Make sure the SQL Backup provided by the system of origin is the SQL Backup file, not the SQL Script file.
c. Obtain technical support as needed from your system of origin to understand how to retrieve certain values from the SQL Backup when it is not apparent by standard SQL code. Failure to obtain this support will mean that we are unable to properly migrate your data.
d. Manage the communication between your system of origin and Vincere if such interaction is needed.
e. Make sure that there is only 1 SQL Database Backup file. If you provide us with more than 1 SQL Database Backup file, each Backup file will be treated as a separate data migration project.
f. Provide us with the password to extract or restore the SQL database if the file is password protected.
6. REVIEW PHASE responsibilities:
a. Refrain from making any changes to the Project Tracker Fields Mapping Requirements after these have been finalised. Any changes to the requirements will create delays and increase the costs of the data migration.
b. Take adequate time to carefully review the mapping of data that has been migrated into your Vincere instance and notify Vincere of any issues with
i. the field mapping requirements and any instances of missing data; and
ii. provide detailed examples of data which you think has been migrated incorrectly or is missing. Vincere will not provide any report regarding the data migration quality or data migration issues. It is your responsibility to review your own data that has been migrated and make sure that every stated requirement has been followed. Vincere will provide any fixes necessary if there is anything wrong with the migration scripts that Vincere has generated. Please understand that if there is anything wrong with the Fields Mapping Requirements or with the system of origin data itself, any fixes may require you to redefine the requirements or fix the data at source before Vincere can apply the fixes. This work shall be charged for by Vincere on a time and materials basis.
c. Provide feedback within 14 days of your Vincere instance being made available to you for review. If no feedback is provided within 14 days, the following applies:
i. Vincere has the right to commence the final Data Migration and will assume that the data available for review in your Vincere instance is correct and can be migrated “as is”.
ii. Vincere has the right to reschedule the final data migration timeline according to the available resources, which could result in a delay in delivery of the project.
d. Understand that the Review Phase hosting will be limited to a maximum of 14 days. After 14 days, access will be revoked. Access can be extended for an additional period of 30 days with the additional cost of 500 USD per 30 days extension.
e. Sign the Data Migration Completion Form within 14 days of receipt of the form. If you fail to provide the review feedback within the 14 day period, the access will be automatically revoked and Vincere has the right to assume that all the data that has been loaded is accurate. Thus, the final process will then commence.
f. Understand that any custom fields mapping specified in the Fields Mapping requirements document will not be showing during the review phase. The custom fields mapping process will be performed by Vincere after the final Data Migration is completed.
7. FINAL MIGRATION responsibilities:
a. Understand that any problems you identify with the wrong Fields Mapping Requirements can be fixed with additional scope, costs and a delay in the delivery timeline of the project.
b. Understand that when the final migration is performed, it cannot be UNDONE. It cannot be modified unless you agree to pay for such further work that will be charged by Vincere in addition.
c. Understand that once the final data migration is completed, the Data Migration Project is officially completed. Any further data migration work or requirement changes that are needed to be applied after this date, will be treated by Vincere as additional work requests and will be charged for in addition.
d. To activate the users from the Settings > User Management > Inactive User List. If the user to be activated is not found in the inactive user, you can create a new user account.
e. Must not create a new user account with the email address that is already used by active / inactive users. Creating a new user with the same email address will cause an issue with account synchronization in various Vincere services.
f. If the number of available licenses is not correct / requires some adjustments, please send this request to [email protected] (Vincere Finance).
g. Any Delta data (overlap period data) entered into the System of Origin during the final migration won’t be migrated unless otherwise included in the scope of work. You are responsible for entering the Delta Data manually to the Vincere live site once the site is available and the data migration is completed.
a. The following records or files are considered as out of scope from the data migration services and plan and will not be migrated.
i. Timesheets
ii. Payroll records
iii. Invoices
iv. Emails not in .MSG format
v. Encrypted records
vi. Compressed records
vii. Encoded records
ix. Dashboards or Reports
x. KPI settings
xi. Website configuration
xii. 3rd party integration services
xiii. Various overtime rates and rates calculations (only standard pay & bill rates will be migrated)
xiv. Shift schedules and Temp Workers Booking schedules
b. Vincere will not perform any Vincere Configuration on the Live site. You are responsible for setting the configuration yourself. Vincere can provide training on how to configure the Live site via a purchased training session.
c. Any data migration of additional an database that is not included with the proposal is out of scope
If you have any queries about the above, please send them to: [email protected]. Alternatively please send your support inquiries to: [email protected].