Most recruitment businesses get stuck at around 10 headcount. In the UK alone, around 70% of agencies fall in the 1 - 10 range. Plenty of small agencies are successful as they are, but many others had growth plans and failed to scale.
Vincere’s recruitment technology can help break that ceiling. Our platform, the Recruitment Operating System, has functions to both streamline operations and increase revenue.
To improve efficiencies, the RecOS can help:
- Get more applicants
- Increase productivity
- Improve cash flow
And when it’s time to grow, there are features to assist:
- Work more efficiently with clients
- Keep in-house teams on the same page
- Make more placements faster
- Diversify your business
Building up an agency takes savvy and commitment. With good planning, good people, and the right systems in place, it’s possible. Get tips on how to scale a recruitment business by leveraging Vincere’s rec tech.
Streamlining your recruitment business with Vincere
Get more candidates with less spend
Spending more money to get more business is like bailing out a sinking boat with a bucket. For a recruitment agency, a better goal is to get more candidates without paying more.
Just throwing more money at job boards hoping to get applicants doesn’t work long-term. Costs add up quick: Indeed costs $0.10 to $5 per click to post a job, and Monster comes in at a $999 monthly Premium subscription, for example.
You can skirt these costs by setting up a no-code Job Portal:
- Post jobs with a click
- Sync job and applicant data to your ATS
- Send candidates job alerts
- Offer mobile-responsive applications
Easier applications lead to more candidates in your pipeline (sans extra job board spend).
Once the applications are in, you can set up an automated interview process with Vinneo:
- Use video templates to interview 24/7
- Reach candidates anywhere, anytime
- Share candidate interview videos with clients
A Job Portal and automated interview setup lets consultants save on time and hassle, while reaching and screening more candidates at scale.
Evaluate and increase productivity
What gets measured gets improved. As an agency owner, you don’t want to spend on things that don’t translate to business growth. Setting up KPIs and managing metrics helps to boost productivity.
The Intelligence module helps you do just that.
It has 50+ dashboards that show which activities equal more revenue:
- Job Stats Dashboard to see open vs closed jobs, activities, and fees
- User Engagement Dashboard to check ROI on your tech
- Goals Dashboard for individualized tracking and coaching
- AI Coach for a machine learning-driven breakdown of financial targets
- Fees Dashboard for a total revenue overview
Phew. It takes some digging into data to realize what’s working (or not) in your recruitment business. But with automated Intelligence reports from Vinny, you can get right to the facts.
Improve cash flow
Healthy cash flow depends in part on the back office. Without an efficient system to track timesheets, send and collect on invoices, and record business finances, massive risk and admin headaches await.
Here’s how the RecOS can help.
TimeTemp captures timesheets and helps manage scheduling:
- Let candidates clock in and track timesheets
- Manage leave requests and expense reports
- View availability and schedule workers
The FastTrack360 integration handles both invoicing and pay and bill:
- Interpret complex pay rules (great news for ANZ 🇦🇺🇳🇿)
- Process payroll and create invoices online
- Sync data between Vinny and FT360 to manage client, candidate, and payment info end-to-end
Rifling through a filing cabinet for financial info is a thing of the past. The RecOS can bring all financial processes from time tracking to payments all under one roof.
That’s less to worry about for your back-office team and your business.
Growing your recruitment business with Vincere
Enhance client collaboration
Clients are more demanding than ever these days. But the flip side of challenge is opportunity: if your agency caters to clients better than any other, there’s your differentiator.
One client-focused RecOS feature is the LiveList™. This is a client collaboration portal that shows off candidate profiles on a live dashboard. As soon as you’ve got candidate profiles selected, it instantly sends an email to clients with a dashboard link.
Clients can take a peek here and offer feedback:
- View candidate CVs and videos
- Initiate interviews
- Add ratings and leave notes
The LiveList™ is an immediate, 24/7, concierge-style service to help work more closely with your clients. Using it to skip extra back-and-forth means faster placements, happier clients, and more business for your agency.
Improve in-house communication
Business moves faster when everybody’s on the same page. Vincere’s got some tech options to smooth out communications bottlenecks on your agency’s teams.
Vincere’s mobile app works for teams on the go. Consultants can make placements and take actions from anywhere, anytime. Managers and leaders can keep track of ROI with a live view of fees, activities, and analytics.
VinnyChat is a comms platform that keeps everyone in the loop (like using Slack or MS Teams). Consultants can tag each other and share files to get business done without missing a beat.
Traveling, working remotely, on desktop or mobile: doesn’t matter. Recruitment business teams can work better together with a little comms help.
Manage relationships and placements
A simple spreadsheet can’t manage candidate and client relationships once your agency grows. Having an Applicant Tracking System (ATS) and Client Relationship Management (CRM) in your rec tech stack is a must.
Vincere’s got you covered on both.
Here’s how our Core ATS and CRM serve up wins for your team:
- Track down the right candidates faster with a high-powered ATS search function
- Automate small tasks like resume parsing, interview scheduling, onboarding and compliance
- Pull clients and candidate info directly from social media with Vincere’s LinkedIn integration
- Automatically track lead sources to understand ROI on sourcing channels
From automation to analytics, little wins add up to mighty big payoffs in productivity.
Diversify your recruitment business
Fun fact: over 80% of recruitment industry revenue comes from Temp and Contract assignments. When your business runs on just one specialism, it could be a good idea to switch it up and diversify.
With the RecOS, opening a new recruitment desk is no sweat. There are always new modules or features to suit your chosen specialism.
Temp and Contract-friendly features like the Shift Scheduler and compliance portals get your high-volume desk up and running fast.
Or if your business is going the Perm or Exec Search route, there are advanced search tools to home in on unicorn candidates. And for retainers, the Invoice Scheduler is there to simplify the pay process.
Skip third-party solutions. If you’re ready for a new desk, check out what the RecOS can do for Perm, Temp, Contract, and Exec Search recruitment.
Final thoughts
While you work to grow your recruitment business, over on Team Vinny we’ve got rec tech to offer support.
To keep expenses down, leverage the RecOS for more control over operations. From managing and posting to an internal Jobs Portal, to setting up automated video interviews, to getting P&B operations in-house, there’s no need to look far afield for more recruitment solutions.
Find out if your tech is really keeping costs down with our ROI calculator.
And on the flip side, rec tech can help your business grow. Better communication with clients and consultants can be done within Vinny’s modules. Besides that, our platform is flexible, scalable, and adapts to any recruitment desk.
It doesn’t take a mess of vendors and contracts to improve your business. With Vincere’s rec tech backing you up, recruitment leaders and teams have the freedom to work smarter.
Curious to see how the RecOS can work for your recruitment agency? Schedule a demo here.