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Mit einem umfassenden Kandidatenportal durchstarten
Ohne es selbst entwickeln zu müssen.
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Recruitment OS kennenzulernen?
Recruitment terms & glossary:
1. What is a candidate portal?
To help with the process of client and candidate management, most staffing agency software packages these days come with a function called ‘recruitment portal’, comprising two main components, namely client portal and candidate portal.
A candidate/ applicant portal is a secure system that allows candidates to apply for their favorite jobs, submit personal information and documentation, check for updates, and review & respond to job offers. Its purpose is to simplify recruitment operations - as well as to ensure utmost transparency between candidates and recruiters.
2. How candidate portals can help recruiters?
An applicant portal provides an amazing tool to aid in the process of candidate attraction and selection. Below are a few reasons why recruiters should consider adopting one into their tech stack:
- Boosting the effectiveness of candidate management
With the help of an online recruitment portal, recruiters no longer need to be afraid of losing track of/ missing out on applicants, even when the volume of applications is really high. All information is stored within a single, secure source; as a result, it becomes much simpler for recruiters to shortlist potential candidates, and save a significant amount of time. - Searching qualified talents with ease
Recruitment candidate portals play a critical role in speeding up the recruitment process. Thanks to hi-tech features such as integrated search queries and keywords, recruiters are able to quickly filter irrelevant applications and selected qualified ones. This is especially helpful for staffing agencies with a large candidate pool. - Improving candidate experience
A major benefit of candidate portals has to do with applicant experience. A pleasant recruiting experience leads to a higher chance of receiving more and better resume submissions. On top of that, it also showcases your brand as a recruiter, in a positive light.
The simpler the recruitment process, the better it is for every party involved. An online recruitment portal allows staffing agencies to omit all unnecessary admin jobs, while offering a more professional service.s. - Providing the foundation for better, more informed selections
There are various factors such as the candidates’ experiences, attitudes, etc. that recruiters have to consider before deciding on which applicant to select. That is why it is not an easy job to find the right candidate. To solve this problem, talent engagement portals can help recruiters easily assess the candidates’ potential by supplementing the application process with IQ or EQ tests.
3. How does a candidate portal work?
A candidate portal provides applicants with a detailed perspective of the positions they are applying for. Additionally, it also serves as a communication ‘bridge’ between them and the recruiters.
- Simplify the application process
When recruiting candidates for a new job opening, recruiters need to work with clients to optimize the application process, of which, an important focus is the candidate experience. If the recruitment process is complex and time-consuming, recruiters face the risk of losing valuable candidates who may be exactly what your clients are looking for. A good candidate portal will help you simplify the process to attract the right candidate. - Enable direct communication between recruiters and candidates
Most often, it takes time for recruiters and candidates to get to know each other. As a recruiter, not only do you want candidates to be aware of your job openings, but also to be actively engaged and ask questions about the position. Answering their questions directly before reaching out to them is the first screening step to examining attitudes, as well as assessing if they have high potential for the position. - Make document uploading simpler
From the candidate’s perspective, a recruiting portal provides them with a simple way to upload their personal documents - CVs, resumes, to name a few. On the other hand, from the recruiter's end, these portals provide a centralized place to store all resumes - hence, they can keep track of things and find ideal candidates at a much higher efficiency.
4. How to use candidate portals for recruitment
Candidate portals are regarded as the ‘bridge’ between candidates and recruiters. Therefore, it is important for staffing agencies to know how to make the most out of this amazing tool.
Below are few best practices of using candidate portals for recruitment:
- Include job updates
Every applicant’s goal is to find the latest and best job postings. That’s why job openings and applications play a pivotal part in all candidate portals. Regularly updated job openings and a friendly user interface are paramount in helping improve traffic to your portal. - Mention offers/benefits
Special offers should be the highlight of your job posting as they increase the likelihood of applications. Try to showcase the benefits that candidates will enjoy when they apply for a certain position. - Make use of social media
The number of social media users has gone up exponentially, so it is necessary to leverage social channels to reach and engage the right candidates. Make sure to post/ share job openings on platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter to make them visible to as many potential candidates as possible. This may lead to a larger inflow of candidate traffic and resumes to your recruitment portal, as well as help expand the database of passive applicants. - Don’t forget to send newsletters and notifications
Do not give up on candidates who have not shown interest. Instead, let them get updated on new opportunities by sending newsletters/ helpful notifications periodically. That way, recruiters will be able to maintain relationships with candidates till newer opportunities and openings arise, in the future.